Anora, a movie directed by Shone Baker had achieved Palm De or in the Can Film Festival. It says the story of Anora who is sexual worker later falling love with the son of Russian prince. The movie narrates Anora meeting with him and the events that take s place in their lives. Director Shone Baker is always fond of telling stories of sex workers. He has opened up himself in several interviews about why he chooses such stories in life for the movies. He said that he always says the universal story there are certain misconceptions about this area of work his stories may help people to clarify this.

The life of Anora a sexual worker from the city of Bruclin, gets a turning point in a single night as she meets Vanya Sagarobin in dance bar. She invites him to her private room to dance with her that leads them to be in a relationship. They started meeting frequently and later Vanya invites her to have sex with him. The story develops to their and the consequences afterwards.