Barroz is an upcoming Malayalam movie directed by Mohanlal placing himself as central role character based on the novel Barroz: Guardian D’Gama’s Treasure by Jijo Punnoose. The movie is being produced by Antoney Perumbavoor of Aashirvad Cinemas. The original score was composed by Mark Kilian, with songs by Lidiyan Nadhaswaram. Though principal photography began in March 2021, it was interrupted by Covid 19 making important changes in the screen play, script and cast.
Once the world returned to normal life Mohanlal and TK Rajeev Kumar joined together to rewrite the Characters, scenes and locations leading to Punnoose’s exit from the film.
Kalvoor Ravikumar was added to the team as the dialogue writer. It took a long to finish its shooting in various locations Kochi, Goa, Bangkok and Chennai. As the covid cases decreased the makers restarted the filming in 2021 December and wrapped up in July 2022. The movie will be officially released on 12 September,2024.