Malayalam actor and director Anoop Menon says that there is an uninteresting practice in the Malayalam film industry that the producers invest a lot of money to bring the audience to the theatres. Anoop Menon said from his experience that even though the theatre is when you look at the online booking but when you enter the theatre to watch the movie, you will see even less than 12 people. He also stated that many producers spend the same amount on bookings as they spend on movies.

He said that it is not a proper way to make a movie successful and the success must flow only form audience to audience. The movie check Mate is the result of the hard work American Malayalees for the past four years. No big distributing companies came forward to distribute movie and its disappointing that even no one was ready to lunch the trailer of the movie. Check mates is not an ordinary movie, and no similar movie produced in the industry till the date therefore it takes some time to attract the audience to the theatres.