Gladiator II is an upcoming Hollywood epic historical action movie directed and coproduced by Ridely Scott, featuring Paul Mescal in the leading role and Petro Pascal Connie Nielsen Laurie MacDonald in the supporting roles. The has penned down by Peter Craig based on characters created by David Franzoni. In the technical background Cinematography has been done by John Mathieson and editing has been carried out by Clare Simson.
A continuation of Gladiator was discussed as early as June 2001 Suggesting returning David Franzoni and John Logan as screen writers. There was no proper follow up regarding the development of the movie except some occasional updates by Scott. The film was finally announced in 2018 and Mescal was cast in the lead role in January 2023. The movie will be officially released on 15 November 2024 in the United Kingdom and later 22nd November in USA and Canada.